Identification Please


LeesIDDMV LADY: How does this look?
ME: Terrible.
DMV LADY: Do you want to retake the picture?
ME: No, that’s how it should look.
DMV LADY: Your funny!
ME: Thank you, but I’m married.

What Am I Doing?

Are you doing what you should be doing?  I ask myself that question repeatedly,.. like a shitty DVD Menu.  Over and over and over gaining frustration with each reset.  Truthfully, I don’t know if I will ever be doing what I should be.  I’ll do my best to explain:

During the work week I’ll ask myself, why are you doing this,.. you don’t even like construction,.. nine years and you’re still,.. what are you doing?.. just wait until you get home, then you can work on what you really want to.

Once the weekend is here and I get through chores, I know there is a solid 12 hours of uninterrupted time to work on my company (Vonder Cosmos);  to design, to be creative, to produce something.  What happens during that free time,.. I start another project around the house that has nothing to do with what I need to do, nor does this new project finish any of the existing projects.

Twenty minutes into sanding the new top I made for a credenza I am trying to refurbish, I start thinking of ways to increase sales at work (Spec 7 Group).  When I am done sanding, I check in with the wife, I tell her that I’m going to wash the truck and then head over to my folks to jam with my brother and the Code man.

Driving home from the jam-sesh I analyze my weekend progress. I accomplished shit. I tell myself, I’ll get after it next week!

Sitting at my desk Monday morning I start surfing the World Wide Wed for design inspiration,.. then I ask myself, is this what I should be doing?

What is the point of this post? 

To start sharing personal interests, experiences, failures, and successes with friends, family, and strangers.  I want to interact with others who have similar ideas, ideals, interests, and experiences.  I want to learn from others while helping at the same time.  There’s a damn good chance that everything I write about may be considered complete crap,.. but at the very least it is certain that my typing skills will improve.

Self Doubt Setting In – Is this something I should be doing?

Fuck it,.. whats the worst that could happen?  No one reads anything I write,.. or someone does read what I write,… hates what I write so much they hunt me down, shave my head, and force feed me that beautiful hair while he or she reads aloud every post published then immediately makes me watch an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians on the television my wife bought me before we married in front of friends, family, and strangers.  I’ll take my chances as Kim still has her hair,.. at least I trust that the publications displayed near the registers are accurate.  Walmart,.. such a glorious dump.

Identification Please

After reading the content of this post, one may assume I am manically unproductive and slightly odd.  Honestly, I can be very productive and quite manic, and sometimes I suck at getting to the point. That’s the point isn’t it?

We humans have a diverse set of skills and talents; equal faults and shitty things.  All I seek is improvement.  To always get better at what I’m trying to do.  I want to build an identity filled purpose.  To produce regardless of the result.

Seeking greatness is always trying,.. even if what you are trying to do is fucking terrible.   Take my ID for example, it looks terrible, but it gets me through the door.


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